What are Biological Cleaners?

You’re here because our other pages weren’t clear enough. That’s my fault, but to be fair, the topic can be confusing!

Biological is easy enough; Like humans, it is mostly water, but that’s not what does the cleaning. Biological cleaners are packed with a living solution known as enzymes. Now enzymes are 100% natural and safe. More importantly, enzymes are your best friend and you’ll soon learn why.

Like us, enzymes need food to live. However, their food source happens to be bad bacteria. The same bacteria that encourage us to clean our living spaces.  These bacteria thrive on dirty spaces with organic matter. They’ll eat bacteria, rapidly multiply in numbers, then expand their cleaning efforts. Biological cleaners like Green Clean Bio clean stains deeper than traditional cleaners, which results in removing your stains and any odors. That’s right, Green Clean Bio removes odors, which means you don’t need to get mad at your favorite fuzzy pet anymore! Furthermore, these biological cleaners will continue to clean long after you’ve wiped away the surface. Think of our cleaner as your personal cleaning bodyguard as it continues to protect after application.

Green Clean Bio is a smart biological cleaner at a fraction of the cost.

Give us a try today!

Topsy Krates

I provide the info on cleaning that you always wanted to know, but didn’t know where to look.